Daily Prayer Requests:

November 13: Pray for Operation Christmas Child as the start the collection week!

Pray for lady at my church unable to come to church due back and belly pain!

Pray for a lady that goes to my church whose sister is being rushed to the hospital with Cardiac Arrest and she isn’t a Christian: Sadly, the lady died, but she said she was ready to go and was a Christian! Please pray for the family especially the lady from my church since she isn’t well herself and this makes the second sister and niece that has died in the last couple years!

November 14: Prayer for safety and protection for my niece that is staying two hours away alone from her family for job training in Roanoke, Va!

Continue to pray for my lady that goes to my church in the death of her sister and help her sister’s family as they did help with her funeral expenses since she had no life insurance!

Also, remember the persecuted Christians in Saudi Arabia as they find connection and strength through the family of God since their own family are part of their persecutors!

November 15:

Pray for safety and protection for my aunt traveling home today and my brother traveling from Florida!

Pray that the church service will be great and for courage to help out anyway possible!

Pray for safe distribution of the Children’s Bibles in Egypt

November 16:

Pray for my neighbor as she has hernia surgery today

Pray for me to have a good day at work and protection until I get home!

November 17:

Pray for safety and protection for both my niece and my brother as they will be traveling home; one to Florida and the other one from Roanoke to Abingdon!

VOM prayer calendar request for the country of Mauritania that God will provide more Christian workers to live and work in the country

November 18:

Pray for my neighbor to recover from her hernia surgery and especially help her with the pain

VOM prayer calendar request for the country of Laos’ Christians to remain faithful amidst suffering and loss

November 19:

Pray for that the church services are great today and I will have courage to do anything to help

VOM prayer calendar for Libya for believers to have boldness in their fellowship as they attend online church services!

November 20:

Pray for a little boy that is a family friend that has been very sick for two months that he will be better soon and they will figure out what is wrong!

VOM prayer calendar for India as all the Christians use Romans 5:3-5 as a guide!

November 21:

VOM Prayer calendar for Uganda, which has a widow, Sister Ruth, of a martyred evangelist that needs prayer!

November 22:

VOM prayer calendar for the country of Azerbaijan citizens to have continued faithfulness among those under spiritual attack!

November 27:

VOM prayer calendar for Central African Republic as everyone is able to have a bold witness among the Muslims!

November 28:

VOM prayer calendar Turkmenistan that those seeking creative ways to get copies of the Bible into the country!

November 29:

Pray that the church service is great tonight and help me to always be directed to do what is His will!

Pray for protection and healing for all the children and teachers at work with the weather changing and time of the year!

Help me and all the staff and children at work as changes relating to expansion of the classrooms!

November 30:

VOM prayer calendar for the Philippines that Muslim extremists and Communist rebels will reject violence over the peace of Christ

Pray for a lady’s mother that attends my church that had surgery for a tumor on her kidneys and has complications from the surgery and had another surgery and it doesn’t seem to be working either so basically she needs a miracle from God alone!

December 1:

VOM prayer calendar for Kenya for the growth and witness of all Christians that have received audio Bibles

December 2:

VOM prayer calendar for Bahrain as the people has continued access to God’s word through the internet, bookstores and churches

December 3:

Pray for two ladies from my church: one is sick and if she gets better she is supposed to have a chemotherapy treatment Thursday and the other one has car problems and can’t make it to church!

VOM prayer calendar for Afghanistan Christians that all their needs will be met

December 4

VOM prayer calendar for India as Christian families that were attacked by villagers while pumping water

Continue pray for a family friend’s little boy that he will get completely better

December 5:

VOM prayer calendar for United Arab Emirates that those who relocate from more restricted nations will have opportunities to hear the gospel

Pray for the health of all the staff and children at work during this time of the year!

December 7:

VOM prayer calendar for Cameroon that God will raise up Christian leaders who are rooted in biblical knowledge and wisdom

December 8:

VOM prayer calendar for Libya that those using digital Bible formats will remain undiscovered by the authorities

December 9:

VOM prayer calendar for North Korea that a Christian in China who runs a discipleship center for trafficked North Korean women

Pray for a lady from my church, like a second mother, has had problems with her eyes since her last eye injection on Wednesday!

December 10:

Pray for all the sick at my church and continue to pray for the little boy who has been sick for a while since they can’t figure out what is wrong that he needs God to work a miracle!

VOM Prayer calendar for Tunisia that Bibles will become widely available and accessible to Christians and seekers!

December 11:

Pray two ladies at my church that will get better soon especially since one was told that she had problems with a sciatica in her back and they gave her two shots and recommended only physical therapy whenever they stop working!

VOM prayer calendar for Pakistan that Christian ministries reaching out to Afghans who have taken refuge in Pakistan!

December 12:

Please pray for the little boy I mentioned yesterday since he desperately needs a miracle since he woke up last night screaming with his head and they took him to the hospital and they determined he now has a bleeding tumor on his brain and they did emergency brain surgery and said that it was covering half of his brain so they couldn’t get it all and said he would have to chemotherapy and radiation after Christmas!

VOM prayer calendar for Mauritania that all Christian leaders will remain above reproach for the sake of the gospel!

December 14:

VOM prayer calendar for Sri Lanka that the pastors who planting house churches in unreached villages!

December 15:

VOM prayer calendar for Tanzania that all the pastors and evangelists will be encouraged as they receive outreach tools!

December 16:

VOM prayer calendar for Iran that those following false ideologies will be open to the gospel

December 17:

VOM prayer calendar for Somalia that many young people currently disillusioned with Islam will turn to Christ

December 18:

VOM prayer calendar for Central African Republic that Christians will reflect Christ’s love and forgiveness to their persecutors

December 19:

VOM prayer calendar for Uzbekistan that the Christians will find creative ways to gather to avoid being fined for meeting in unregistered churches

December 20:

VOM prayer calendar for Sudan that believers in the Nuba Mountains who are receiving Action Packs and other practical aid

December 21:

VOM prayer calendar for Oman that new believers will find a thriving community to help them grow in Christ

December 22:

VOM prayer calendar for Eritrea that Christians will continue to worship together despite the threat of arrest and imprisonment

December 23:

VOM prayer calendar for Burkina Faso continue to help all Christians in the south who boldly worship despite attacks on their churches

December 28:

Pray for the Nigerians that were victims or affected by the Christmas Eve attacks

Pray for my brother who is feeling bad and coughing a lot and his wife and her brother have COVID and feeling rough!

December 29:

Pray for a Christian Broadcaster’s safety since his life is being threatened in the country of Benin

Pray for a Believer who seeks reconciliation with his parents in the country of Nepal

Pray for a village headman to sustain his income since his choice to become a Christian caused him to lose his status and job as well as income in the country of Nepal

December 30:

Continue to pray for my brother, his wife and her family for being sick with COVID and symptoms of sinus infection and upper respiratory infection!

Pray for my neighbor who has been admitted to the hospital with RSV!

January 2:

VOM prayer calendar for the country of Nepal that faithful believers like Bimala who boldly share the gospel with their neighbors despite hardships

January 3:

VOM prayer calendar for the country of Morocco that more Moroccans will hear the gospel through digital media evangelism efforts

January 4:

VOM prayer calendar for Israel including West Bank & Gaza for all the Messianic or Christian Jews who are harassed because of their faith in Christ

January 5:

VOM prayer calendar for Lebanon that all the Syrian refugees will be ministered to by the church leaders

January 6:

VOM prayer calendar for Iran that Christians will continue to share the gospel and teach new believers despite civil unrest

January 8:

VOM prayer calendar for China that study Bibles distributed to Christian leaders will enable them to teach and train their flocks well

January 9:

VOM prayer calendar for the Central African Republic that Christians who have been beaten by militants will ask the Lord for their physical, emotional, and spiritual healing!

January 10:

VOM Prayer calendar for Mozambique that Christians who lost everything in recent Islamist attacks will have ever need met

January 15:

VOM prayer calendar for Egypt that Christian converts from Islam like Dura will see how God provides all their needs

January 16:

Pray for a preacher friend that I have known most of my life that suffered a stroke after Christmas and is still recovering!

Pray for my nephew that is in the National Guard as he goes on a special mission for a couple weeks at Fort Picket!

VOM prayer calendar for the country of Mynamar (Burma) specifically for Aung Hte and his family, who were driven from their land and home after placing their faith in Christ

January 17:

VOM Prayer Calendar and App:

Pray for the DRC or the Democratic Republic of the Congo especially pray that Christians will be protected from violent attacks by militant Islamic groups

January 18:

VOM prayer calendar and App:

Pray for the country of Mauritania that Christian Missionaries will return to the country

January 19:

VOM prayer calendar and App:

Pray for the country of DJIBOUTI especially that God’s word will permeate the country, despite the risk of harassment and persecution for owning a Bible

January 20:

VOM prayer calendar and App:

Pray for the country of Azerbaijan especially that the workers will find ways to import Bibles , which are difficult to obtain and cannot be printed legally

January 21:

VOM Prayer calendar and App:

Pray for the country of Kenya especially for the Christians living in Muslim-Majority areas of northeastern Kenya

January 22:

VOM prayer calendar and App:

Pray for the country of Bahrain that the new season of openness of the Gospel will continue!

January 23:

VOM prayer calendar and App:

Pray for the Maldives since there are very few known Christians in the Maldives so more will come to know the Lord

January 24:

VOM prayer calendar and App:

Pray for the United Arab Emirates specifically for the safety of the foreign missionaries who are illegally sharing the gospel with Muslims

January 25:

VOM prayer calendar and App:

Pray Iraq, especially for Nader, a Muslim teenager who asked for a Bible after having dreams about Christ

January 26:

VOM prayer calendar and App:

Pray for Laos, especially for the 200 ethnic subgroups and there will remain loving unity in the church amid the diversity

January 27:

VOM prayer calendar and App:

Pray for Somalia especially for the safety and encouragement of Christian converts from Islam who are accused of rejecting both their religion and nationality!

January 28:

Pray for a lady at church, Ms. Bea Casey, as she found out she had leukemia and was rushed to a hospital in Nashville for treatment with a stay of approximately 3-4 weeks

Continue to pray for little Henson O’quinn as he has had complications and had to go back to the hospital in Knoxville ahead of his treatments

VOM prayer calendar and app request for Kuwait that the few indigenous Kuwaiti believers will have wisdom to practice their faith amidst the great risk

Also pray for the church in Vietnam under persecution that heaven will be opened and not the borders

January 29:

Pray for one of my other neighbors that I just found out is in the ICU with MRSA

VOM Prayer Calendar and App request for the country of Oman that the safety of the foreigners to help spread the gospel and Bibles to the Omanis since it is illegal for them to hear it or have a Bible

January 30:

VOM prayer calendar and app request for the country of Benin especially for the salvation of Edosa’s brothers and sisters

February 2:

VOM app prayer request for the country of Algeria that the growth of the church will continue

February 3:

VOM app prayer request for the country of Turkmenistan especially for Silas, a Turkmen Christian, who is sharing the gospel through broadcast media

Also, pray for a Pastor that is facing a 20 year sentence

February 9:

VOM app prayer request for the country of Comoros especially pray for the imprisonment of Christians will help embolden their witness

Wisdom needed in online communication of spreading the gospel in Cuba

February 10:

VOM prayer calendar and app request for the country of Vietnam especially Anh, a Vietnamese teenager who was attacked with a machete because of her Christian witness

February 12:

VOM prayer calendar and app for the country of Saudi Arabia especially for those facing imprisonment or death for following Jesus Christ

February 13:

VOM prayer calendar and app for the country of Malaysia especially for Susanna, whose husband, Raymond, was abducted in 2017 and is still missing

February 20:

VOM prayer request for the country of Niger that Christians who are unable to read will have access to audio Bibles in their native language!

February 22:

VOM prayer request for the country of Eritrea especially all the hundreds of others who are imprisoned for their faith in Christ

February 23:

VOM prayer request for the country of Yemen as Christians will find ways of helping their neighbors who are suffering from the food crisis

February 25:

VOM prayer request for the country of Pakistan especially pray for the protection and encouragement of Christian converts from Islam, who are rejected by their families

February 27:

VOM prayer request for the country of Mexico especially pray for the Chiapas Outreach Bases will continue to bear eternal fruit in the lives of children

March 1:

VOM prayer request for the country of Turkey especially for the son of a pastor and his wife who were killed in the February 6, 2023 earthquake

March 2:

VOM prayer request for the country of Nigeria especially pray for Christian widows who have been traumatized by Islamist attacks

March 3:

VOM prayer request for the country of Brunei especially pray that they will seek Christ

March 15:

VOM prayer request for the country of Bangladesh especially pray for the front-line workers like Omar and Rojina, who are taking to all Muslims in remote regions

March 18:

Pray for the country of Kazakhstan especially that the growth of house churches will spread throughout Kazakhstan

April 5:

VOM Prayer Request for the country of Syria that the front line workers reaching Syrian refugees will not grow weary

April 9:

VOM prayer request for the country of Ethiopia that pastors like Dereje, who has been opposed for his Christian witness

April 11:

VOM prayer request for the country of Jordan for those ministering to Syrian refugees

April 12:

VOM prayer request for the country of Tanzania that Christians and churches on the ninety nine percent Muslim island of Zanzibar will have freedom to worship

April 18:

VOM prayer request for Mali that the missionaries who have been kidnapped in Mali or brought to Mali after being kidnapped elsewhere

April 19:

VOM prayer request for the country of Kyrgyzstan that the known Christians will have all their needs met since it difficult to find a job and have daily necessities be met!

April 20:

VOM prayer request for the country of Sudan that church leaders that were interrogated and harassed by officials because of their Christian witness

April 21:

VOM prayer request for the country of Bhutan that God’s word will spread throughout the country as the government tries to restrict widespread Bible distribution

April 22:

VOM prayer request for the country of Tajikistan that Christians summoned for questioning by secret police will experience the Holy Spirt’s guidance

April 23:

VOM prayer request for the country of Columbia for Christians safety in sharing the gospel in rural areas where paramilitary groups have become more active and violent

April 24:

VOM prayer request for the country of Niger that the small number of Christians will faithfully share the love of Christ with their Muslim neighbors

April 25:

VOM prayer request for the country of Indonesia that the Muslims in the Aceh province will see the harshness of Islamic law and seek freedom in Christ

April 28:

VOM prayer request for Cuba and their pastors to ask for prayer as they continue to stand firm in their faith

May 15:

VOM prayer request for China that invasive technologies such as Face Recognition software will not hinder the spread of the gospel

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June 13:

VOM prayer request for the country of Jordan that all Christians will boldly reach to Arab Muslims

June 20:

VOM prayer request for the country of Mali that Pastors that were forced to leave an area after receiving death threats for actively sharing their faith

June 27:

VOM prayer request for the country of Indonesia especially for Christians like Nia, whose family pressured her to recant, will stand firm in Christ

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